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There are several ways that you can get involved. Your opinion on our products could help other customers decide if it's what they need too – rate or review a product or simply tag it with information with helpful descriptors regarding your intended application.

Want to be kept up to date with what we're doing? Then join us on facebook or twitter. See below to find out how.

Add your review and rating to a product

Both registered and non registered users may review and rate our products.

Visit the page for the product that you wish to review; at the top of the page, below the product title, you will either see rating stars and Add Your Review or Be the first to review this product. Click on the link to display the Write Your Own Review section. Here you can rate price, value and quality on a scale of 1 to 5 and submit a review. Once you are happy with your review and or star ratings select Submit Review. This will enter your review into our approval process; if accepted it will appear on the page for all to read.

Tag a Product

Tags are descriptors that you can assign to any product to help you organize and remember them; they will be viewable by everyone so also serve to help other users search for a product, so please add your tags to describe a product or identify key uses. Both registered and non registered users may tag our products.

To add a tag scroll down to the bottom of the product page, here you will find an area to Add Your Tags. Complete as advised then select Add Tags. This will enter your tags into our approval process; if accepted they will appear on the page for all to read.

Our Get Involved Policy

Everyone has their own tastes and opinions, both positive and negative reviews and comments help us improve our products and services to you and assist other users in making an informed buying decision, based on the information available.

Submitted Tags and Reviews need to be approved before they appear on the site; comments entered onto Facebook & Twitter are also monitored; these measures are to ensure no inappropriate language or links are included. We also reserve the right to delete/not publish any comments review or tag containing libellous, defamatory, racist, profane or otherwise provocative content. Do not include personal details, advertisements or links to other websites.

We reserve the right to refuse publication of any content deemed unsuitable – no discussion will be entered into.


Facebook is a free social networking site that allows you to connect with friends, share photos, videos and links and connect with people that share a common interest.

We use social networking to keep our customers informed on product developments, special offers and changes to our website. If you are already a member of facebook simply like our facebook page and you will be streamed our status and product updates straight to your facebook wall.

To Join Facebook visit www.facebook.com


Twitter allows you to "follow" friends, celebrities, interests and industry experts and receive instant updates from them on what's happening.

We use social networking to keep our customers informed on product developments, special offers and changes to our website. If you are already a member of twitter simply follow us, and you will be streamed our status and product updates straight to your twitter stream.

To Join Twitter visit twitter.com